sunday 4 september



The Valdambra Running Color is a non-competitive event, promoted by the Pro Loco of Ambra, which every year brings together participants from all over Tuscany and beyond. It is an occasion of wellness and entertainment, suitable for both adults and children, during which the Valdambra territory is filled with shades of joy, smiles and spots of color.
The “race of colors”, born in 2012 in the United States, has been spread and replicated in every corner of the world, up to reach the beautiful territory of Valdambra. That of Ambra is a five-kilometer route, which branches out between the streets and the countryside of the country, creating a real rainbow of people in motion. At each kilometer of the five stages of the route, participants are hit by ecological and washable powders of different colors, until they reach the finish line completely covered in paint. The only advice is to wear a white T-shirt. At each station, moreover, DJ sets cheer with their music the different stages of the journey, to create an atmosphere full of joy and fun. The goal is not to win, but to enjoy a unique experience that promotes good health, sharing and happiness.
The party ends at the final finish line, where there is a refreshment point with drinks and food, and all participants kick off an unforgettable moment made of wild dances, music and of course colors.

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Partecipanti Running Color Ambra
Ambra Running Color Partecipanti


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