Snail Festival of Ambra

Snail Festival of Ambra

The Snail Festival of Ambra is the unmissable closing event of the summer season, promoted every year by the Pro Loco of Ambra. A unique and representative moment that, after countless editions, continues to welcome and bring people from every corner of the world to the Valdambra valley.
It is an event in which the scents and flavors of Valdambra’s tradition expand among the streets of the historical village of Tuscany, set up for the occasion with food and wine stands and markets with characteristic and handicraft products. In this context, the lovers of taste can taste the typical dishes based on snails, the real protagonist of the festival, or choose between the different proposals of the local gastronomy, ranging from the classic pizza to the steak, all with the addition of a good wine and craft beers.
Music, live shows and trump competitions in every corner of the village accompany the culinary art of the people of Valdambria, creating an engaging and suggestive atmosphere. At the end of the event a fireworks display lights up the sky of Valdambra Valley every year, creating an explosion of lights and sounds unique in its kind.
For children, there is also an amusement park to spend the evening in joy and fun.
A festive event for everyone, then, to celebrate the end of summer and keep alive over time an ancient culinary and cultural tradition.

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